Monday, April 17, 2006

morning flight, six degrees farenheit

I am leaving tomorrow for Bethel, Alaska--the SW interior and everything unknown. Despite my best research efforts, I have little idea of what to expect--something between snowmobile taxis, seal blood soup, and wifi. It's treeless tundra with twenty hours of daylight and, I'm told, exceptional latte stands in town.

I sent out an email to some friends today saying I'd be leaving I got a reply from a woman who knows me from wilder, younger days--back when I was twenty and riding through the tip of South Africa on a motorbike. As I wrote back to her I heard my own words and knew I'd written the truth, even before I totally understood it. And the words were exciting:

"i'd love to catch up, too. let's talk when i get back. i'll call you.

i'm recently single again (after an amazing love affair) which means lots of fire in the belly. i am done crying and ready for adventure! so, here goes nothing..."

And just like that everything is fresh. Spring is pushing through and I can remember the smells and sounds of who I have always been. I packed the rubber boots; I am expecting mud but for the first time in a while, I don't feel stuck at all.

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